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Found 12939 results for any of the keywords fox pines homestead. Time 0.009 seconds.
Fox Pines Homestead - Life's lessons from my pets and the kitchen - reLife s lessons from my pets and the kitchen - recipes, pets and homestead advice
About us the Homestead - Fox Pines HomesteadA spot to reflect on the family property I call home
Writing - Fox Pines HomesteadDo you need help writing content for your site, business, or blog? Have you gotten a request to write an article? That’s terrific – except you don’t feel comfortable writing it yourself. I can help you look your best b
Farm and Homestead Thoughts - Fox Pines HomesteadI feed wild birds in winter. A lot. I am a bird watcher. We have a lot of snow this winter. It's like a winter of my youth when we had huge piles of snow, tall snowbanks, and really cold weather. While birds seem to surv
Cooking - Fox Pines HomesteadCooking from scratch: healthier, cheaper, and a great creative outlet
Pets - Fox Pines HomesteadSharing what I’ve learned about cats dogs, after many years as a professional vet tech, groomer, breeder, kennel owner, international transporter, and pet owner
Gardening - Fox Pines HomesteadI feed wild birds in winter. A lot. I am a bird watcher. We have a lot of snow this winter. It's like a winter of my youth when we had huge piles of snow, tall snowbanks, and really cold weather. While birds seem to surv
Household - Fox Pines HomesteadSharing how to run an efficient household, leaving more quality time to make that house into a home.
Veterinary care - Fox Pines HomesteadTicks are common throughout much of the USA as well as the rest of the world. They prefer fairly humid conditions but it must be at least 45F/ 7 C degrees to survive and reproduce. In really cold or hot weather they ar
Life's Lessons - Fox Pines HomesteadJust do your best. That's all I can ask . Mom said those words to me many times. It was an important life lesson. Those Words Apply Even now, in Retirement Of course, Mom referred to schoolwork when I was growing up, bu
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